DS1620 interfacing with AT89S52 with 7 segment Display - Temperature Monitoring System

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This project is the property of Mr. Omer Younis, student of Electronics Engineering at National University of Science ans Technology, Pakistan. Feel free to contact at elprojects@ymail.com

Aim & Objective:
The objective is to design a temperature sensor complete with a display unit that will give us the temperature value in centigrade. The designing and implementation will be done by using a hardware that will sense the degree of temperature in the surrounding and display the temperature in a digital output i.e.: a seven segment LED display.

Project Task
To write a short program in assembly language for MCS-51 that will sense the degree of hotness or coldness in the surrounding atmosphere and display the reading taken by the DS1620 which acts as a thermistor, will send a digital display in a seven segment LED display. If the temperature goes above the given temperature range, an alarm will go off and if the temperature goes below the lower range, the alarm will still go off.

Technical discussion

·        A range is give as a standard for the comparison to be done. The range can be altered with push buttons and a stop button is also installed for the immediate manual stopping of the alarm.
·        IDE Platform KEIL simulation utility on the PC and then downloading the HEX file into the MCS-51 microcontroller.
  • With three thermal alarm outputs, the DS1620 can also act as a thermostat.
  •  THIGH is driven high if the DS1620’s temperature is greater than or equal to a user–defined temperature TH. TLOW is driven high if the DS1620’s temperature is less than or equal to a user–defined temperature TL.
  • TCOM is driven high when the temperature exceeds TH and stays high until the temperature falls below that of TL.
  • User–defined temperature settings are stored in non-volatile memory, so parts can be programmed prior to insertion in a system, as well as used in standalone applications without a CPU. Temperature settings and temperature readings are all communicated to/from the DS1620 over a simple 3–wire interface.
  • The DS1620 measures temperature by counting the number of clock cycles that an oscillator with a low temperature coefficient goes through during a gate period determined by a high temperature coefficient oscillator.
  • The counter is preset with a base count that corresponds to –55°C. If the counter reaches 0 before the gate period is over, the temperature register, which is also preset to the –55°C value, is incremented, indicating that the temperature is higher than –55°C.
  • At the same time, the counter is then preset with a value determined by the slope accumulator circuitry. This circuitry is needed to compensate for the parabolic behaviour of the oscillators over temperature.
  • The counter is then clocked again until it reaches 0. If the gate period is still not finished, then this process repeats itself.
Hardware Design

Hardware material requirements

·        I.C 8952

·        I.C 1620
·        Push Buttons
·        Crystal (with frequency 12MHz)
·        LTS542, display unit
·        Resister 10K ohm
·        Resister 56K ohm
·        Resister 2.2K ohm
·        Capacitor 1 uF
·        Capacitor 33pF
·        Transistor BC 547
·        Power supply +5V
·        Buzzer or alarm
·        Connecting wires
·        Soldering wire
·        Soldering iron
·        40 pin base
·        Strip board/Vero board


Software Source code:

DIS_A             EQU                P0.2
DIS_B             EQU                P0.3                                        
DIS_C             EQU                P0.4
DIS_D             EQU                P0.6
DIS_E             EQU                P0.5
DIS_F              EQU                P0.1
DIS_G             EQU                P0.0
DIS1                EQU                P0.7
DIS2                EQU                P2.7               
DIS3                EQU                P2.6
DIS4                EQU                P2.5
ALARM          EQU                P2.4
PLUS              EQU                P1.0
MINUS           EQU                P1.1
SW1                EQU                P1.4
SW2                EQU                P1.5
DQ                  EQU                P1.2
CLK                EQU                P1.3
RST                 EQU                P1.6
RB0     EQU     000H    ; Select Register Bank 0
RB1     EQU     008H    ; Select Register Bank 1  ...poke to PSW to use
DSEG            ; This is internal data memory
ORG     20H     ; Bit adressable memory
COUNT:         DS                   1
SPEED:           DS                   1
VALUE_1:     DS                   1
VALUE_2:     DS                   1
VALUE_3:     DS                   1
VALUE_4:     DS                   1
NUMB1:         DS                   1
NUMB2:         DS                   1
NUMB3:         DS                   1
NUMB4:         DS                   1
TEMP:                                    DS                   1
ALRMTEMP:                         DS                   1
STACK:                                  DS                   1
CSEG     AT      0        ; RESET VECTOR
                                                ORG     00H                                                    ; Reset
                                                JMP     MAIN
                                                ORG                000BH                                     ;Timer Interrupt0
                                                JMP                 REFRESH
MAIN:             MOV PSW,#RB0                  ; Select register bank 0
                        MOV SP,STACK
                                                MOV SPEED,#00H
                                                MOV COUNT,#00H
                                                MOV NUMB1,#00H
                                                MOV NUMB2,#04H
                                                MOV NUMB3,#00H
                                                MOV NUMB4,#00H
                                                CLR ALARM
                                                MOV VALUE_1,#15H                                                          ;Switch off all displays
                                                MOV VALUE_2,#15H
                                                MOV VALUE_3,#15H
                                                MOV VALUE_4,#15H
                                                CLR DIS1
                                                CLR DIS2
                                                CLR DIS3
                                                CLR DIS4
                                                MOV TMOD,#01H                                        ;enable timer0 for scanning
                                                MOV TL0,#00H
                                                MOV TH0,#0FDH
                                                SETB ET0
                                                SETB EA
                                                SETB TR0                               ;Start the Timer 
                                                SETB CLK                     ; Start with CLK equal to 1
                        ACALL CONFIGURE              ; Configure DS1620                                                                                                                                                                                    ; wait 10 MS for Configuration to be Written
                        ACALL DELAYMS 
                        ACALL DELAYMS
                        ACALL DELAYMS
                        ACALL DELAYMS
                        ACALL DELAYMS
                        ACALL DELAYMS
                        ACALL DELAYMS
                        ACALL DELAYMS        
                        ACALL DELAYMS
                        ACALL DELAYMS                                     
                        UPP:               ACALL START_CONVERT          ; Send command to Start temperature conversion
                                                ACALL DELAYS
                                                ACALL READ_TEMPERATURE       ; Get Temperature Reading111
                                                MOV A,R3    
                                                MOV B,#02H
                                                DIV AB                                                                                                                                                          ;
                                                MOV R4,B
                                                CJNE R4,#01H,GFG1
                                                MOV VALUE_4,#05H
                                                AJMP GFG2
GFG1:             MOV VALUE_4,#00H
GFG2:             MOV R2,A
      MOV R1,#00H
      MOV R3,#00D
      MOV R4,#00D
      MOV R5,#00D
      MOV R6,#00D
      MOV R7,#00D
     MOV VALUE_3,R3
     MOV VALUE_2,R4
     MOV VALUE_1,R5
     MOV A,R3
     XRL A,NUMB3
                                                JNZ EDE
                                                MOV A,R4
                                                XRL A,NUMB2
                                                JNZ EDE
                                                MOV A,R5
                                                XRL A,NUMB1
                                                JNZ EDE
                                                MOV A,NUMB4
                                                XRL A,VALUE_4
                                                JNZ EDE
                           SETB ALARM
                           AJMP SXZ    
EDE:               MOV A,VALUE_1
                                                SWAP A
                                                ORL A,VALUE_2
                                                MOV R1,A
                                                MOV A,VALUE_3
                                                SWAP A
                                                ORL A,VALUE_4
                                                MOV R5,A
                                                MOV A,NUMB1
                                                SWAP A
                                                ORL A,NUMB2
                                                MOV R3,A
                                                MOV A,NUMB3
                                                SWAP A
                                                ORL A,NUMB4
                                                MOV R6,A
                                                MOV A,R3
                                                CLR C
                                                SUBB A,R1
                                                JZ DFD1
                                                JNC DFD
                                                SETB ALARM
                                                AJMP SXZ
DFD1:             MOV A,R6
                                                CLR C
                                                SUBB A,R5
                                                JNC DFD
                                                SETB ALARM
                                                AJMP SXZ
DFD:               CLR ALARM
SXZ:                SETB SW1
                           JNB SW1,SHOW_TEMP    
                           AJMP UPP
SHOW_TEMP:                      CLR ALARM
                                                CALL DELAY           
                                                JNB SW1,$
                                                MOV VALUE_2,NUMB2
                                                MOV VALUE_3,NUMB3
                                                MOV VALUE_4,NUMB4
                                                SETB SW2
                           JNB SW2,UPP1
                                                SETB PLUS
                                                SETB MINUS
                                                JNB PLUS,INC_TEMP
                                                JNB MINUS,DEC_TEMP
                                                AJMP SXD1
UPP1:                                      CALL DELAY
                                                JNB SW2,$
                                                AJMP UPP
INC_TEMP:                           CALL DELAY
                                                JNB PLUS,$
                                                MOV R5,NUMB4
                                                CJNE R5,#00H,FGG1           
                                                MOV R5,NUMB3
                                                CJNE R5,#05H,FGG12
                                                MOV R5,NUMB2
                                                CJNE R5,#02H,FGG12
                                                MOV R5,NUMB1
                                                CJNE R5,#01H,FGG12
                                                AJMP SXD1
FGG12:                                  MOV NUMB4,#05H
                                                AJMP SXD1
FGG1:             MOV NUMB4,#00H
                                                INC NUMB3
                                                MOV R5,NUMB3
                                                CJNE R5,#0AH,SXD1
                                                INC NUMB2
                                                MOV NUMB3,#00H
                                                MOV R5,NUMB2
                                                CJNE R5,#0AH,SXD1
                                                INC NUMB1
                                                MOV NUMB2,#00H
                                                AJMP SXD1
DEC_TEMP:                          CALL DELAY
                                                JNB MINUS,$
                                                MOV R5,NUMB4
                                                CJNE R5,#00H,FG1              
                                                MOV R5,NUMB3
                                                CJNE R5,#00H,FG12
                                                MOV R5,NUMB2
                                                CJNE R5,#00H,FG12
                                                MOV R5,NUMB1
                                                CJNE R5,#00H,FG12
                                                AJMP SXD1
FG1:                                       MOV NUMB4,#00H
                                                AJMP SXD1
FG12:                                     MOV NUMB4,#05H
                                                MOV R5,NUMB3
                                                CJNE R5,#00H,DXC1
                                                MOV NUMB3,#09H
                                                MOV R5,NUMB2
                                                CJNE R5,#00H,DXC2
                                                MOV NUMB2,#09H
                                                MOV NUMB1,#00H
                                                AJMP SXD1
DXC1:             DEC NUMB3                        
                                                AJMP SXD1                          
DXC2:             DEC NUMB2                        
                                                AJMP SXD1


        MOV A,R2
        DIV AB
        MOV   R3,B;  
        MOV   B,#10             ; R7,R6,R5,R4,R3
        DIV   AB
        MOV   R4,B
        MOV   R5,A
        SJMP ENDD
 HIGH_BYTE:    MOV   A,#6
                        ADD   A,R3
                        MOV   B,#10
                        DIV   AB
                        MOV   R3,B
                        ADD   A,#5
                        ADD   A,R4
                        MOV   B,#10
                        DIV   AB
                        MOV   R4,B
                        ADD   A,#2
                        ADD   A,R5
                        MOV   B,#10
                        DIV   AB
                        MOV   R5,B
                        CJNE R6,#00D,ADD_IT
                        SJMP CONTINUE
ADD_IT:        ADD A,R6
                         DJNZ R1,HIGH_BYTE
                         MOV B, #10D
                         MOV A,R6
                         DIV AB
                         MOV R6,B
                         MOV R7,A
ENDD:             RET
; This routine writes the value in A to the DS1620
WRITE1620:            MOV R0, #08H            ; Set Counter for 8 bits
NEXTBITWRITE:  CLR CLK                 ; Start clock cycle
 RRC A                   ; Rotate A Right into Carry Bit(Lowest Bit in A goes to C)
 MOV DQ, C               ; Move outgoing bit to DQ
 SETB CLK                ; Rising Edge of Clock makes one clock cycle
; This routine reads a value from the DS1620 and puts it in A
READ1620: MOV R0, #08H            ; Set Counter for 8 bits
                     SETB DQ                 ; Set DQ to 1 to enable it as an input pin
NEXTBITREAD: CLR CLK                 ; Start clock cycle
                              MOV C, DQ               ; Move incoming bit to DQ   
                              SETB CLK                ; Rising Edge of Clock makes one clock cycle
                               RRC A                   ; Rotate A Right through Carry Bit(C goes to Highest Bit of A)  
                              DJNZ R0, NEXTBITREAD
                              CLR DQ                 
; Routine to Configure DS1620
CONFIGURE:  SETB RST                ; Make 1620 reset go High to start transfer  
                          MOV A, #0CH             ; Send the "Write Config" command to 1620
                          ACALL WRITE1620
                          MOV A, #00001010B       ; CPU = 1, 1Shot = 0, THF = 0, TLF = 0
                          ACALL WRITE1620         ; Send the Configuration Byte
                         CLR RST                 ; Make 1620 reset go Low to signal end of transfer
; Routine to Start Temperature Conversion on 1620
START_CONVERT: SETB RST                ; Make 1620 reset go High to start transfer  
                                    MOV A, #0EEH            ; Send the "START CONVERT" command to 1620
                                    ACALL WRITE1620
                                   CLR RST                 ; Make 1620 reset go Low to signal end of transfer
; Routine to Read Temperature from 1620
                                               MOV A, #0AAH            ; Send the "Read Temperature" command
                                              ACALL WRITE1620
                                              ACALL READ1620          ; Get first byte of temperature
                                              MOV R3, A               ; Store Byte in R1
                                              ACALL READ1620          ; Get second byte of temperature
                                              MOV R1, A               ; Store Byte in R2
                                             CLR RST                 ; End Transfer  
; Routine to      Write Temperature High 1620
                            MOV A, #01H            ; Send the "Read Temperature" command
                           ACALL WRITE1620
                           MOV A,R3              ; Store Byte in R1
                          ACALL WRITE1620
                          MOV A,R1             ; Store Byte in R1
                          ACALL WRITE1620
                          CLR RST                 ; End Transfer  
; Routine to Read Temperature from 1620
                          MOV A, #0A1H            ; Send the "Read Temperature" command
                          ACALL WRITE1620
                          ACALL READ1620          ; Get first byte of temperature
                          MOV R3, A               ; Store Byte in R1
                          ACALL READ1620          ; Get second byte of temperature
                         MOV R1, A               ; Store Byte in R2
                        CLR RST                 ; End Transfer  

DELAYS:                       ;One second delay routine
                   MOV R6, #00H               ;put 0 in register R6 (R6 = 0)
                   MOV R5, #004H              ;put 5 in register R5 (R5 = 4)
LOOPB:   INC R6                     ;increase R6 by one (R6 = R6 +1)
                 ACALL DELAYMS              ;call the routine above. It will run and return to here.
                 MOV A, R6                  ;move value in R6 to A                   
                 JNZ LOOPB                  ;if A is not 0, go to LOOPB
                DEC R5                     ;decrease R5 by one. (R5 = R5 -1)
                MOV A, R5                  ;move value in R5 to A
               JNZ LOOPB                  ;if A is not 0 then go to LOOPB.
DELAYMS:                     ; ;millisecond delay routine                            
                     MOV R7,#00H                ;put value of 0 in register R7
LOOPA:       INC R7                     ;increase R7 by one (R7 = R7 +1)
                     MOV A,R7                   ;move value in R7 to Accumlator (also known as A)
                    CJNE A,#0FFH,LOOPA         ;compare A to FF hex (256). If not equal go to LOOPA
                      RET                        ;return to the point that this routine was called from
;                       7 SEGMENT DISPLAY ROUTINE
DISP:              MOV R2,SPEED
                        CJNE R2,#00H,AAS1
                        CLR DIS_A
                        CLR DIS_B
                        CLR DIS_C
                        CLR DIS_D
                        CLR DIS_E
                        CLR DIS_F
                        SETB DIS_G
AAS1:             CJNE R2,#01H,AS2
                        CLR DIS_B
                        CLR DIS_C
                        SETB DIS_A
                        SETB DIS_D
                        SETB DIS_E
                        SETB DIS_F
                        SETB DIS_G
AS2:                CJNE R2,#02H,AS3
                        CLR DIS_A
                        CLR DIS_B
                        CLR DIS_D
                        CLR DIS_E
                        CLR DIS_G
                        SETB DIS_C
                        SETB DIS_F
AS3:                CJNE R2,#03H,AS4
                        CLR DIS_A   
                        CLR DIS_B
                        CLR DIS_C
                        CLR DIS_D
                        CLR DIS_G
                        SETB DIS_E
                        SETB DIS_F
AS4:                CJNE R2,#04H,AS5
                        CLR DIS_B
                        CLR DIS_C
                        CLR DIS_F
                        CLR DIS_G
                        SETB DIS_A
                        SETB DIS_D
                        SETB DIS_E
AS5:                CJNE R2,#05H,AS6
                        CLR DIS_A
                        CLR DIS_C
                        CLR DIS_D
                        CLR DIS_F
                        CLR DIS_G
                        SETB  DIS_B
                        SETB DIS_E
AS6:                CJNE R2,#06H,AS7
                        CLR DIS_A
                        CLR DIS_C
                        CLR DIS_D
                        CLR DIS_E
                        CLR DIS_F
                        CLR DIS_G
                        SETB DIS_B
AS7:                CJNE R2,#07H,AS8
                        CLR DIS_A
                        CLR DIS_B
                        CLR DIS_C
                        SETB DIS_D
                        SETB DIS_E
                        SETB DIS_F
                        SETB DIS_G
AS8:                CJNE R2,#08H,AS9
                        CLR DIS_A
                        CLR DIS_B
                        CLR DIS_C
                        CLR DIS_D
                        CLR DIS_E
                        CLR DIS_F
                        CLR DIS_G
AS9:                CJNE R2,#09H,AS10
                        CLR DIS_A
                        CLR DIS_B
                        CLR DIS_C
                        CLR DIS_D
                        CLR DIS_F
                        CLR DIS_G
                        SETB DIS_E
AS10:              CJNE R2,#15H,AS11                                     ;symbol for -
                        SETB DIS_A
                        SETB DIS_B
                        SETB DIS_C
                        SETB DIS_D
                        SETB DIS_E
                        SETB DIS_F
                        CLR DIS_G
AS11:              CJNE R2,#16H,AS12                                     ;switch off all disp
                        SETB DIS_A
                        SETB DIS_B
                        SETB DIS_C
                        SETB DIS_D
                        SETB DIS_E
                        SETB DIS_F
                        SETB DIS_G
AS12:              MOV SPEED,#00H
                        AJMP DISP
;                                               INTRRUPT ROUTINE TO REFRESH THE DISPLAY
REFRESH:     PUSH   PSW           ; save current registerset
                       MOV    PSW,#RB1
                       PUSH   ACC
                        INC COUNT
                        MOV R4,COUNT
QA1:               CJNE R4,#01H,QA2
                        MOV SPEED,VALUE_1
                        SETB DIS1
                        CLR DIS2
                        CLR DIS3
                        CLR DIS4
                        CALL DISP
                        AJMP DOWN  
QA2:               CJNE R4,#02H,QA3
                        MOV SPEED,VALUE_2
                        CLR DIS1
                        SETB DIS2
                        CLR DIS3
                        CLR DIS4
                        CALL DISP
                        AJMP DOWN
QA3:               CJNE R4,#03H,QA4
                        MOV SPEED,VALUE_3
                        CLR DIS1
                        CLR DIS2
                        SETB DIS3
                        CLR DIS4
                        CALL DISP
                        AJMP DOWN
QA4:               CJNE R4,#04H,QA5
                        MOV SPEED,VALUE_4
                        CLR DIS1
                        CLR DIS2
                        CLR DIS3
                        SETB DIS4
                        CALL DISP
                        AJMP DOWN
QA5:               MOV COUNT,#01H
                        MOV R4,COUNT
                        AJMP QA1
DOWN:          MOV TL0,#0FFH
                        MOV TH0,#0F0H
                        POP    ACC
                       POP    PSW
FLASHING:   CALL DELAY                                                                       ;Display on/off for 2 times
                        CALL DELAY
                        MOV VALUE_1,#16H
                        MOV VALUE_2,#16H
                        MOV VALUE_3,#16H
                        MOV VALUE_4,#16H
                        CALL DELAY
                        CALL DELAY
                        MOV VALUE_1,NUMB1
                        MOV VALUE_2,NUMB2
                        MOV VALUE_3,NUMB3
                        MOV VALUE_4,NUMB4
                        CALL DELAY                                                                       ;Display on-off for 2 times
                        CALL DELAY
                        MOV VALUE_1,#16H
                        MOV VALUE_2,#16H
                        MOV VALUE_3,#16H
                        MOV VALUE_4,#16H
                        CALL DELAY
                        CALL DELAY
                        MOV VALUE_1,NUMB1
                        MOV VALUE_2,NUMB2
                        MOV VALUE_3,NUMB3
                        MOV VALUE_4,NUMB4
DELAY:         MOV R1,#0FFH
REPA2:           MOV R2,#0FFH
REPA1:           NOP
                        DJNZ R2,REPA1
                        DJNZ R1,REPA2

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