PIC Microcontroller based Intelligent Communication Device for the selection of low cost network using GSM and Telephony technology - Report
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Mobile phone in Pakistan has rapidly grown in to a commodity that everyone likes to possess. From the very beginning, the setup of mobile networks in Pakistan has been decentralized due to the reluctance of the government based telecommunication set up to step into this field. The other network phenomenon has been a serious hinge in the economical use of the mobile phone .This very problem has provided the motivation for this project. This has led to the design of a smart device which does the hard work for the user that it automatically selects the same network SIM which you are going to call. This results in the feasibility that you don’t have to physically replace the SIM leading to the economical conservation because when so ever an individual is making a cal, he does it within the network without manually doing it.
As the name indicates this project is aimed to provide communication at low cost. It will provide communication between the similar networks thus saving the other network call charges, for example if user wants to call a ufone number this device will direct this call via ufone connection.
This is just the beginning and our attempt is quite humble in this regard. But the efforts put in this regard may prove to be a solid base for the future work to be carried out in this domain. Scientific advancements in the field of telecommunication are by leaps and bounds and this project is a chain to that.