8051 LCD interfacing Command Codes
Before you interface an LCD with any microcontroller , say 8051 or AVR, you should have a knowledge of basic LCD commands. These commands or codes are used to get the LCD perform some particular task, for example, clearing the LCD display screen ornshifting entire data to the right etc. I have gathered here some the commands that might prove for you an important data, because once I was doing 8051 LCD interfacing it really helped me a lot. Here are some of it :-
- 01H : Clear Display Screen
- 02H : Return Home
- 04H: Decrement Cursor
- 06H : Increment Cursor
- 05H : Shift Dis[;ay Right
- 07H : Shift Display Left
- 08H : Display off, Cursor off
- AH : Display off, Cursor on
- CH : Display on, Cursor off
- EH : Display on, Cursor Blinking
- FH : Display on, Cursor Blinkinf
- 10H: Shift Cursor position to left
- 14H: Shift Cursor position to right
- 18H: Shift the entire display to left
- 1CH: Shift the entire display to right
- 80H: Force cursor to begin from the Ist line
- C0H:Force cursor to begin from the 2nd line
- 38H: 2 lines and 5 x 7 matrix
More to folow for 8051 LCD interfacing